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Tessa's Technique: Awesome, Effective In-Aisle Research

Tessa Stuart

I've just done a project for innocent drinks, interviewing consumers in the aisles.  

There is no better final way to check the appeal of a new product before you commit to production runs than to put it on the shelf in the supermarket, and see if it catches shoppers' attention. Do they see it as they come round into the aisle? Do they pause, approach it and pick it up? Does it stand out against its competitors? Will it sell?

In this case, it did. It frequently went into trolleys and off down the aisle towards the check-out. I had to run after people and explain to them  that it wasn't quite a finished product, and that, no, they couldn't buy it yet.

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Tessa's Take: Price promotion: good or bad?

Tessa Stuart

With food inflation, cutting costs on your food bill is attractive. Innocent customers told me recently that they love buying veg pots on promotion.  

Innocent  announce on their website which supermarket has their products on offer week by week :

Very helpful to consumers.

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Tessa's Take: Why We Buy the Why

Tessa Stuart

I love Rude Health products. Not just because they taste good. But because they are made by a small company who are passionate about what they do and how they do it.  

As marketeers of our products and services, we say what we do and how we do it. But we don't often say why. Here's my attempt to define my why.

Why do I love research work for smaller, growing companies (innocent way back in 2004, Rude Health now)?

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Tessa's Take: Bringing Your Brand to Life

Tessa Stuart

I nipped out of the office on Friday. To Shoreditch. To the innocent 5-a-day for £5 lunch. (There's me on the right in the purple cardi Crackberrying away, waiting for my lunch guest.)  

The food was excellent. Beetroot and horseradish perogi with sour cream, paprika and pickled red cabbage, and sweet potato brik with roasted pepper, courgette and chickpea salad. Innocent gave us the recipes on arty cards to take home.

Next, we waddled past the lettuce wall.

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