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In Store

In-Store Shopper Product Research

My in-store research services will help you understand how to improve your product/branding and make more sales. Shoppers in the store are your existing and potential customers, in the right mindset and on a mission to buy in your category, so it makes sense to test your ideas/re-brand/ innovation on them.

(You'll never get such truthful, valuable insights from a focus group because everyone's on their best behaviour there, and anyway, they can’t remember in detail how they shopped last week.)

These services work best if you:

  • Already have your product(s) in a busy store.

  • Have permission from the store manager to conduct in-store research and/or sampling.

  • Can provide the additional budget needed to thank shoppers for their time at the end of the interview (this can be a voucher, a discount for your website, or even an Amazon voucher).

How it works

I have two slightly different in-store services depending on your needs. Choose from the options below.

Once you've clicked to pay, I'll get in touch to organise an initial meeting/phone call to discuss what we'll need to arrange for the in-store research. If you'd like to have a no-obligation chat before committing, no problem at all - just contact me here.

Option 1: Rescue flatlining sales

This option is perfect if you have a specific, pressing issue that you want help with.

When you've spent heaps of time and money on your product but sales are flatlining, it's not a happy situation. The good news is that with my help, you can rescue it.

Here's what I'll do:

  • Spend several days in a store that already sells your product.

  • Interview shoppers as they browse.

  • Through my questioning and observations, I'll figure out what the problem is with your product and how - through packaging, pricing, positioning, etc. - you can easily and cost-effectively get your sales up.

  • Present my recommendations to you in person.

  • Send you written recommendations - including a detailed road map - to help you improve sales.

Price: £5,500 + VAT (indicative prices only: I do bespoke price packages for each project.)


Option 2: Pre-launch testing

If you're an established brand looking to launch a new product or brand identity, get me to do some research before you fork out thousands on it! If you want to test new branding designs for impact, before going to the final expensive print run, this service will give you insights from real customers at point of purchase, and comfort in your decision-making. It will help you test the appeal of a new product or range, get real-life feedback from shoppers to take to your retail buyers, and add vivid customer evidence to your pitch sell-in.

Here's what I do:

  • Spend several days in a store that already sells your product.

  • Place mock-ups of your new product/branding in the store and interview shoppers as they browse.

  • Get useful, actionable insights and suggestions from these shoppers, both existing and potential.

  • Present my recommendations to you in person.

  • Send you written recommendations to help you improve your product/branding before launching it.

 Price: £5,500 + VAT