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Tessa's Take: Ways of Seeing the World

Tessa Stuart


I work with founder-led companies. Innocent, Rude Health, Graham & Green, and Jamsmith, wonderful artisan jam made in the Yorkshire Dales.  

The values and beliefs of the founders influence the way these companies think about and do business. They are communicated through branding and packaging.

I've also just worked with an individual client looking at his personal 'brand' and how he comes across to clients.

We all experience the world through the prism of our own, strongly-held, beliefs about ourselves and our businesses.

My job is to help companies and individuals understand how their clients and customers see them. To maximise the strengths - emotional and actual - of the brand and how they are expressed to customers. So that individuals and companies can sell more, and do more. And be more. By which I mean more themselves.

But also to think, sometimes, about doing things differently. Not "we've always done it this way". Rather:  "Customers see your specialness this way. Shall we work with that belief to sell you this way?"

Here's Jamsmith.  I think her beliefs and ways of doing things make her, and her jams, very special.  Vicky picks wild fruits  from the local orchards, gardens, hedgerows and fields near her cottage in the Dales.  Her recipes are based on traditional methods. By using less sugar than most commercial makers, she keeps the characteristic flavour of the fruits, and so very intense tasting preserves.  The products are all naturally set using her own pectin stock or lemon juice and only fairtrade cane sugar.

They taste like proper jam.  if you want to buy some, do email her, Vicky Smith at

Vicky's belief in doing things right comes through in her products. Isn't that what we all should be, too?