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Filtering by Tag: Fun

5 Things To Know When Starting Out from Ben Jones, Co-Founder of

Tessa Stuart

I've enjoyed my Graze boxes so I thought I'd ask Graze for their insights into starting out. Here Ben Jones, Co-Founder of Graze, gives you his freshly prepared wisdom. Thank you very much, Ben.  

5 Bits of Wisdom – Ben Jones, Co-Founder of Graze

1. "Spiritual – good things happen to good people, in any start-up you always need a little bit of luck so be nice to everyone and boost your karma.

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Why Giving Your Product Away Makes You Money: Tom Mercer of MOMA! on Sampling

Tessa Stuart

Here are Tom's thoughts on sampling, why it's so important for brand building and how to do it well. Thank you very much, Tom.  

What we at MOMA believe it does

Sampling is our key to getting consumers into the MOMA! world!

The main thing is getting people to physically try our breakfast - our products are pretty unique so it's really important for people to taste it in order to understand and appreciate it - and once we've done that most people love it. 

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